Dohnányi Orchestra Budafok

2015. március 14. 19.30-22.00

Dohnányi Orchestra Budafok A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Sinfonia ma non troppo

Four parables

Peer Gynt - kísérőzene

-;-Oravecz György (zongora)

Budafoki Dohnányi Zenekar

Vezényel: Hollerung Gábor
‘Symphony, but not too much’ – this is the title of the János Vajda piece composed for the Miskolc Opera Festival in 2010. “Scintillating musical solutions, ingenious orchestration and a rich expressive mode characterize this modern and yet audience-friendly piece,” wrote one critic after the premiere. The American Paul Schoenfield (a contemporary of János Vajda) started his career as a concert pianist (he appeared as a partner of Sergio Lucca at memorable concerts of Bartók works for violin and piano), and his 1983 composition Four Parables is in fact a piano concerto. One of the most entertaining pieces of the late 20th century repertoire, it is packed with jazz, rhythm and characteristically American elements. The principal part is played by György Oravecz, one of the most exciting pianist personalities of his generation, in partnership with the Dohnányi Orchestra Budafok, under conductor Gábor Hollerung.


HUF 3 200, 3 900, 4 500