Gábor Takács-Nagy and the Manchester Camerata

2015. március 18. 19.30-22.00

Orchestra in the Centre

Gábor Takács-Nagy and the Manchester Camerata A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

F-dúr divertimento (K.138)

C-dúr gordonkaverseny (vonószenekari változat)


Sospiri, op. 70

Vonósszerenád, op. 48

-;-Vigh Andrea (hárfa); Várdai István (cselló)

Manchester Camerata

Művészeti vezető és vezényel: Takács-Nagy Gábor
Manchester Camerata (founded in 1972), who under the artistic direction of Gábor Takács-Nagy now rank among the leading ensembles in the world, illuminate the path to the future of classical music. They combine the highest performance standards with maximum openness towards the other arts, to popular and folk trends, as well as jazz; they stage intensive teaching programmes and regularly travel to old people’s homes and hospitals; and in the meantime they are becoming increasingly popular, with healthy record sales. In their first concert in Budapest we hear two popular classical orchestral compositions (Mozart’s early Symphony in A major and Tchaikovsky’s evergreen String Serenade), along with two concertos. Edward Elgar’s single-movement Sospiri (‘Sigh’), composed in 1914 for harp and orchestra, evokes the idyllic world of peace before the onset of the First World War: Liszt Academy President Andrea Vigh is harp soloist. István Várdai plays Haydn’s Cello Concerto in C major, one of the most popular works written for cello. Having already triumphed at the Geneva International Competition in 2008, István Várdai won the ARD competition in Munich in 2014, considered by many as being among the most prestigious of contests.


HUF 1 400, 2 100, 3 500, 4 900