Judit Rajk and the Saint Ephraim Male Choir

2015. március 22. 19.30-21.00

Voice so close

Judit Rajk and the Saint Ephraim Male Choir A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

„Byzantium, Our Contemporary”

Agni parthene (Ó, tiszta Szűz) - görög-bizánci ének

Kanona pisteos (A hitnek kánonja) – görög-bizánci ének és ó-magyar variánsa

Szergej Jekimov
Na rekáh vavilonszkih (136.zsoltár)

Santa Maria strelá do día – Bölcs Alfonz (13.sz.) cantiga-ja

Dukay Barnabás
: ... az enyém és értem van … - monódia alt hangra Keresztes Szent János szövegére (2014, ősbemutató)

Santa Maria amar – Bölcs Alfonz cantiga-ja

Blagosloví duse moja Gospoda (103.zsoltár)

Angel vopijascse (Angyal kiáltá a Kegyteljesnek)


Bez szolnca / Napfény nélkül - dalciklus Golenyiscsev-Kutuzov verseire (1874)

Két dal népi szövegekre – magyarországi bemutató

Négy régi magyar népdal (BB60 -1911-12 rev.1926)

Kilenc román népdal (BB65 - 1912) – részletek

Slavite Gospoda (135.zsoltár) – Ó-szerb sokirgalmú liturgikus ének

-;-Rajk Judit (alt)

Palojtay János (zongora)

Szent Efrém Férfikar (művészeti vezető: Bubnó Tamás)
When we think of Christian liturgical music following the Byzantine rite, many might summon an ancient, archaic vocal culture. Few would believe that the history of Byzantine singing is far from over, and just as in preceding centuries, the Eastern Church repertoire is being enriched and expanded in the 21st century. Perhaps it was exactly this – the vitality of the tradition – that so captivated Tchaikovsky and Mussorgsky, Rachmaninov and Stravinsky in their day. For the Saint Ephraim Male Choir the performance of early or new, traditional or composed music is not primarily a question of mission or resolve but rather a natural state. Through their singing they have no intention of taking us back to long-past centuries; they want more than this: they would like to snatch us away from the present moment, providing at the same time spiritual harmony and a musical experience. Leader of the ensemble, Tamás Bubnó, is happy to quote the thoughts of Tchaikovsky: “To direct myself on Saturday to some small, ancient church, to stand in the semi-darkness filled with the smoke of incense, to delve deeply within myself in search of a reply to the eternal questions: to what purpose, when, wither, why? – To awaken from my reverie when the choir sings, to be filled with a certain quiet rapture when they open the central doors of the iconostasis and there rings out: ‘Praise God from the heavens!’ – Oh, I love all this passionately! It is one of my life’s greatest delights.” Judit Rajk, winner of the Artisjus Prize on several occasions, professor of the church music department, one of the most accomplished performers of contemporary music, is the partner of the choir for this concert.


HUF 1 200, 1 700, 2 800, 3 900