Evgeni Koroliov piano recital

2015. április 9. 19.30-22.00

Evgeni Koroliov piano recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

MVM concerts – The Piano

J. S. Bach
Kromatikus fantázia és fúga (BWV 903)

c-moll fantázia (K. 475)

E-dúr szonáta, op. 110

c-moll szonáta, op. 111

-;-Jevgenyij Koroljov (zongora)
Evgeni Koroliov, one of the most significant Bach pianists of our day, had his ‘Bach epiphany’ at the age of 8 in Moscow in 1957 when he heard Glenn Gould play. If there were a pianist whose analytic approach might be compared to Gould’s, then Koroliov certainly would be a candidate. On the other hand, Koroliov exhibits none of Gould’s outrageous eccentricities. At the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatoire he was a student of Lev Oborin, but he also attended classes by Maria Yudina and Heinrich Neuhaus. In 1976 he moved to Yugoslavia with his wife (who was of Macedonian origin), and then he emigrated to the West. He has been teaching piano at the Hamburg School of Music since 1978, where György Ligeti was one of his erstwhile colleagues. For this recital the artist, a well-known figure for domestic audiences, selects from classical piano works: Bach’s virtuoso Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue, perhaps Mozart’s most ‘Beethovian’ piece, the Fantasia and Sonata in C minor (these two pieces are a pair: although they were written separately, Mozart published them in a single volume), and two Beethoven sonatas of cult significance.


HUF 4 000, 5 000, 6 000, 8 000, 10 000