Dezső Ránki and Concerto Budapest

2015. április 12. 11.00-12.30

Budapest Spring Festival

Dezső Ránki and Concerto Budapest A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Mozart Piano Concertos 1.

Esz-dúr zongoraverseny (K. 271)

Esz-dúr zongoraverseny (K. 449)


G-dúr zongoraverseny (K. 453)

-;-Ránki Dezső (zongora)

Concerto Budapest

Vezényel: Keller András
Mozart’s piano concertos are truly exceptional manifestations of musical invention, perception and sense of form, and the seventeen works he wrote after 1782, in the course of merely nine years, include only masterpieces. At two concerts on a single day, Dezső Ránki and the Concerto Budapest will perform six compositions from this unequalled series-the greatest conundrum probably having been which ones to leave out. It is impossible to exclude Piano Concerto in E flat major (K. 271) from such a selection, which Mozart wrote while still in Salzburg, and which Dezső Ránki performed at the Budapest Spring Festival ten years ago, saving the concert as a stand-in performer. “It was a great, powerful performance with a dense atmosphere, one of the purest," wrote a critic.


HUF 2 000, 3 100 3 900, 4 900