Krisztián Oláh – Two Formations

2015. április 14. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Jazz it!

Krisztián Oláh – Two Formations A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Oláh Krisztián (zongora), Schildkraut Vilmos (bőgő), Serei Dániel (dob)

Bille Gergő (trombita, szárnykürt); Uher-Győrffy Bálint (szaxofonok); Ördög Krisztián (szaxofonok); Barbinek Gábor (harsona)
Krisztián Oláh has been playing piano since the age of five. Currently he is a student of Károly Binder in the jazz department of the Liszt Academy. Krisztián started playing jazz in the footsteps of his father, Kálmán Oláh, and as they say, “blood is thicker than water”. In 2013 Krisztián Oláh won the prize for best soloist at the Targu Mures Jazz Competition, and in 2014 he came in the top four at the International Jazz Piano Competition, Nottingham. He founded his trio in 2012. The other two musicians, bass player Vilmos Schildkraut and drummer Dániel Serei, are also from the Liszt Academy. Their concerts include both jazz standards and own compositions. The second part of the concert features another formation, inasmuch as four wind instrumentalists (all fellow students) join them to show what opportunities there are at the beginning of the 21st century for seven young artists playing on the frontier between composed and improvised music.


HUF 1 200, 1 900