Gergely Bogányi, Gábor Boldoczki and Concerto Budapest

2015. április 25. 19.30-22.00

Gergely Bogányi, Gábor Boldoczki and Concerto Budapest A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

J. S. Bach
C-dúr szvit (BWV 1066)

I. zongoraverseny, op. 35

Fazil Say
Trombitaverseny, op. 31 (magyarországi bemutató)

IX. szimfónia, op. 70

-;-Bogányi Gergely (zongora), Boldoczki Gábor (trombita)

Vezényel: Medveczky Ádám
Two fine artists assist at this exciting concert of rarely-performed works given by Concerto Budapest, led by András Keller. Exciting because Gergely Bogányi, up till now known as a major performer of mainly Romantic works, is playing Shostakovich. He plays the piano concerto of the Soviet-Russian composer, whose Neobaroque characteristics match the beautiful Bach suite that starts the programme. The piece gives – unusually – a key role to the trumpet. Of the composition of the work, dating from 1933, the composer recalled that he originally intended to write a trumpet concerto, but later he added a piano part. However, in the end the piece metamorphosed into a piano concerto in which the trumpet comments ironically on the keyboard. Fazil Say, world-famed pianist, jazz musician and improvisationalist par excellence, wrote the Trumpet Concerto (2010) for young Hungarian artist Gábor Boldoczki, considered to be worthy successor to Maurice André. The work, which demands extraordinary virtuosity, draws on the composer’s Turkish folk music roots and attraction to jazz. After the intermission the orchestra, under the baton of Kossuth Prize-winner Ádám Medveczky, perform the work that the composer called a joyous, merry piece, and which is often compared to symphonies by Haydn for its playfulness and wit.


HUF 3 300, 4 800, 6 500