20th Anniversary Concert of the Pannonia Sacra Catholic Primary School

2015. április 28. 18.00-21.00

20th Anniversary Concert of the Pannonia Sacra Catholic Primary School A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

XX. századi magyar szerzők kórusművei, reneszánsz és barokk táncok furulyaegyüttesek előadásában, szóló hangszeres darabok

-;-Közreműködnek: a Pannonia Sacra Katolikus Általános Iskola kórusai, furulyaegyüttesei és a szülőkből, tanárokból, öregdiákokból álló kórus és zenekar.

Vezényel: Blazsek Andrea
This is the 20th occasion on which the choruses and recorder ensembles of Pannonia Sacra Catholic Primary School, along with the chorus and orchestra made up of parents, teachers and former students of the school, have created a music-making community. Right from the beginning artistic education filled an important place in the life of the institution, founded under the direction of singing teacher and headmaster György Gere in 1991. The Kodály principle of singing every day is put into practice at the school. The children can take part in the work of four choruses, and they learn to play the recorder in music classes. At the initiative of parents, and with their help, the first charity concert was staged in 1995, and featured instrument-playing parents and the school choir. For a decade and a half the Grand Hall of the Liszt Academy hosted this concert every year, transforming the venue into an outstanding musical festival. The series was interrupted by renovation work, when for several years concerts were shifted to the St Stephen Basilica, under the musical patronage of composer Sándor Szokolay and conductor Ferenc Sapszon. Now once again young and old from the school, and the audience, can experience what it is like to become a part of a single massive harmony, when 160 children sing as one, accompanied by 40 musicians in the sanctuary of music, the renovated Liszt Academy.


HUF 1 200, 1 600, 2 000, 2 500