Aria Examination

2015. május 4. 19.00-21.00

Voice so close

Aria Examination A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Czikora István, Csóka Anita, Jánoshegyi Anna, Jőrös Andrea, Kristofori Ferenc, Ruszó Alexandra, Sárkoziová Xénia, Szahakjan Luszine, Tatai Nóra, Vida Anikó, Zuo You

Felkészítő tanárok: Marton Éva, Pászthy Júlia, Kertesi Ingrid, Nádor Magda, Halmai Katalin és Kiss B. Atilla

Tanszékvezető: Meláth Andrea

Vezényel: Medveczky Ádám
The aria examination organized every May is a good example of the special place the Liszt Academy occupies in Hungarian higher education. While the exam results of the majority of universities survive only in the memories of professors and students and on the rarely turned pages of yearbooks, the aria exam of the department of vocal studies is open to everyone. It is just as much a challenge for students and teacher as it is an extraordinary aesthetic experience for everyone interested in the future of Hungarian artistic singing culture and visiting the Liszt Academy to hear the latest batch of young talents. At the aria exam (as from spring 2014 once again held in the refurbished Grand Hall) students present to the general public, live and with orchestral accompaniment under the baton of Ádám Medveczky, those arias they have studied during the year.


Free tickets can be requested from the Liszt Academy box office.