Ken-Ichiro Kobayashi & MÁV Symphony Orchestra

2015. május 5. 19.30-22.00

Ken-Ichiro Kobayashi & MÁV Symphony Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

I. (b-moll) zongoraverseny, op. 23

Egy kiállítás képei

-;-Kaneko Miyuji (zongora)

MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar

Vezényel: Kobajasi Kenicsiro
Anyone with a Japanese father and Hungarian mother would call themselves half Hungarian, half Japanese. Not so the youthful pianist Miyuji Kaneko, who declares himself 100 per cent Hungarian and 100 per cent Japanese. His preparation and incandescence are similarly 200 per cent: despite his youth he has won several competitions and finished six albums, among them a Tchaikovsky piano concerto recorded with Ken-Ichiro Kobayashi and the London Philharmonic Orchestra in 2013. In fact, it is the same work that we can hear in the Grand Hall of the Liszt Academy, together with maestro Kobayashi and the MÁV Symphony Orchestra. The concerto, in which through a stroke of genius Tchaikovsky switches the roles in the magical opening melody by making the piano accompany the orchestra, is one of the greatest challenges in the repertoire, as is the Mussorgsky piece orchestrated by Ravel, which demands extraordinary virtuosity from the orchestra.


HUF 5 000, 6 000, 7 000