Kristóf Baráti and Klára Würtz

2015. május 16. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Complete Works Live

Kristóf Baráti and Klára Würtz A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Beethoven’s Complete Sonatas for Violin and Piano 3

A-dúr hegedű–zongora szonáta, op. 12/2

Esz-dúr hegedű–zongora szonáta, op. 12/3

A-dúr hegedű–zongora szonáta, op. 47 („Kreutzer”)

-;-Baráti Kristóf (hegedű)

Würtz Klára (zongora)
The astounding series of four discs by Klára Würtz and Kristóf Baráti containing the complete violin-piano sonatas by Beethoven is brought to life in the form of three concerts at the Liszt Academy. At this, the third concert in the series, the programme features two works from the composer’s early life and a composition of mythical significance, one that represents one of the greatest challenges in the repertoire – and perhaps music as a whole – the Kreutzer sonata. It is this work which became a central ‘figure’ in Tolstoy’s famous novella at the end of the 19th century. The performance tradition of the past 200 years, as well as the vast number of superb interpretations, make it seemingly impossible to approach this work. Of course, Klára Würtz and Kristóf Baráti have no reason to worry because they have their own ‘angle’ on the work, and the extraordinary expressiveness of their performance, combined with unequalled artistic and technical clarity, would surely have satisfied Beethoven himself.


HUF 1 700, 2 500