Vienna-Prague-Budapest contemporatry music concert

2015. május 16. 19.00-21.00


Vienna-Prague-Budapest contemporatry music concert A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Pintér Bence
Sparkling January

Timotej Kosovinc
Hegedű duó

Lubos Mrkvicka
For Piano

Jan Drizal
Head Ööd (Good Night)

Mathias J. Schmidhamme

Gilberto Agostinho
On the Origin of Pitches

Brandenburg Ádám

Johannes Kretz
The Devil Dances in the Empty Pocket

-;-Szeitl Aliz (fuvola); Bóni Andrea (hegedű); Farkas Kálmán (cselló)

Kruppa Bálint, Deák Sára (hegedű)

Lubos Mrkvicka (zongora)

Godár Gergely, Gyõri Mátyás, Hosszú Kristóf, Kóta Balázs (nagybőgő)

Mathias J. Schmidhamme (zongora)

Janca Dániel (vibrafon)

Berczeli Krisztina (kürt); Diószegi Tamás (hegedű); Erdős Barbara (brácsa); Karasszon Eszter (cselló)

Varga Judit (zongora); Johannes Kretz
The concert is the closing event of the international contemporary music composition symposium organised by Liszt Academy of Music, 14-16 May 2015, with participation of Austrian, Czech and Hungarian composers. During the programme professors and students from prominent music academies in the region gather with the aim to discuss their own pieces as well as current trends in music composition in order to build and strengthen professional bonds between their institutes for future collaborations. Pieces on the programme are composed and performed by the symposium participants.


Entry is free.