Hungarian National Philharmonic

2015. május 20. 19.30-22.00

Hungarian National Philharmonic A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

A varázsfuvola- nyitány

C-dúr zongoraverseny (K. 503)

Krisztus hét szava a keresztfán

-;-Szutrély Katalin (szoprán), Németh Judit (alt), Kálmán László (tenor), Blazsó Domonkos (basszus)

Berecz Mihály (zongora)

Nemzeti Énekkar (karigazgató: Antal Mátyás)

Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar

Vezényel: Vashegyi György
Three emblematic creations of the mature First Viennese School are performed at this concert. All three works date from between 1786–1791, so the programme is a kind of snapshot of the style and musical approach of the two geniuses. The mystic symbolism of The Magic Flute is already apparent in the overture; it is sufficient just to think of the three chords repeated three times. The 18-year-old, outstandingly talented Mihály Berecz (acknowledged by Zoltán Kocsis, and with whom he appeared at a charity recital) is soloist for the Piano Concerto in C major, which is associated with the ‘Jupiter’ symphony because of its grandiose symphonic treatment and same key. There are several versions of Haydn’s harrowing Good Friday meditation. The version performed here was first heard in 1796. This time the Zoltán Kocsis orchestra are conducted by György Vashegyi, who is one of the most proficient exponents in Hungary of the early music performance method. The singer soloists regularly work together with the excellent conductor, and the National Choir may well be the most accomplished performers of the oratorio genre, so everything is in place to give us an uplifting experience.


HUF 3.000, 4.500, 6.000