By the side of the Crossroad - passion oratorio

2015. május 27. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

By the side of the Crossroad - passion oratorio A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Szabó Barna
A keresztút szélén (passióoratórium)

-;-Vezényel: Nemes László Norbert

Új Liszt Ferenc Kamarakórus

Kéménczy Antal (zongora)
Passion, meditation, oratorio, reflection rather than drama – the creation of Szabó Barna who highlights beauty and composes deep and loveable pieces is already exciting in its genre: there is no narrator or character in the piece. The well-known sentences of Christ’s passion outline the plot and index the temporality of the actions. “We don’t see the plot as a participant, only from the ‘side’, as external observers. In musical terms the choir has the lead role; the work can be best described as a passion oratorio in the sense that Italian baroque oratorios are also presentations of the reflections on the stations of the Way of the Cross. These stations lend the dramatic force that focuses the experience on a personal rather than a collective level.” – said the author, who already composed apiano concerto for József Balog, composed for the Kodály Choir on the commission of the Béla Bartók International Choir Competition, Debrecen, and for Liszt Academy’s venerable choir, recently re-established.


HUF 1 200, 1 900