
2015. június 6. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Acoustic, authentic

Tükrös A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Music from Forests and Waters - Album premiere

-;-Halmos Attila (hegedű, ének), Koncz Gergely (hegedű, brácsa), Árendás Péter (brácsa), Liber Endre (cimbalom, brácsa), Lelkes András (nagybőgő)
If Oriental philosophy is correct, then stubborn belief in European progress is just confused; in fact, every living being travels a circular path that comes back on itself. And this goes for the most recent history of music, too. This is the only way we can explain the fact that today the Tükrös ensemble are considered a virtually progressive folk music trend. How come? Their ars poetica is to provide their audience with a modern musical experience solely using performance tools of authentic folk music. They are convinced that even today it is possible to extract the life force from this sort of music which, in times past, nourished young people. So to put it headline style: strictly stylistic, fixed improvisation; chamber music of clockwork precision; dynamism without music treatment and the mixing of genres. The music of the Transylvanian Plain (Mezőség) was the first impulse for the members of the ensemble, an impulse that made folk music the determining factor in their lives. After playing together for twenty years, they paid tribute to musicians of brilliant local Gypsy bands with their album Our Mezőség. Their current programme also genuflects in homage to those who recorded this unparalleled musical treasure for posterity in the course of various trips collecting folk music. They want succeeding generations to also be a part of all this.


HUF 1 900