Budapest Festival Orchestra

2015. június 12. 19.45-22.00

Budapest Festival Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

44. (e-moll ,,Gyász”) szimfónia, Hob. I:44

Esz-dúr klarinétverseny, op. 74

Német táncok (K. 571)

(C-dúr) szimfónia (K. 200)

-;-Csalló Roland (klarinét)

Vezényel: Takács-Nagy Gábor
The Budapest Festival Orchestra launch their end-of-season concert with one of Haydn’s dramatic, so-called ‘Sturm und Drang’ symphonies, ‘Mourning’. This is followed by Weber’s Clarinet Concerto in E-flat major with solo by Roland Csalló (the orchestra’s clarinettist graduated from the Liszt Academy in 2002, attained podium finishes at many competitions, and he was one of the winners of the in-house competition organized by the BFO). In the wake of the sparkling concerto it is the turn of a series of dance movements from the husband of Weber’s cousin: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote the K. 571 catalogue number series for a Prague ball (in other words, this is not stylized but genuine dance music). The final work in the concert (conductor: Gábor Takács-Nagy) is the C major symphony composed in Salzburg in 1773 when Mozart was 17.


HUF 2 500, 3 500, 4 400, 6 300, 10 500