Danubia Orchestra Óbuda

2015. szeptember 22. 19.30-22.00

Danubia Orchestra Óbuda A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja


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R. Strauss
Till Eulenspiegel vidám csínyjei, op. 28

III. (Esz-dúr) szimfónia, op. 55 („Eroica”)

-;-Óbudai Danubia Zenekar

Vezényel: Hámori Máté
Francis, born in Assisi in a wealthy family, in obedience of an inner voice (recently this might be called “free will”) chose poverty. An childless elderly couple from the small town of Paola, Calabria prayed for Francis of Assisi's intervention and their prayer was answered — the latecoming boy was named Francis, as a sign of gratitude and respect. Young Francis was repelled by the conspicuous lifestyle of his era and chose asceticism. Liszt revoked the figure of the two saints in several pieces, and he himself became a legendary example of unselfishness.
Though navigating a different way, Richard Strauss' hero Till Eulenspiegel also threw in with those marginalised and chose the faith of the outcasts voluntarily. His passion for freedom must have been really irritant, for in any of his acts he was uncovering the tyranny that was restraining freedom. Till Eulenspiegel's passion for freedom could not be broken even by death.
And finally, Beethoven's Heroic Symphony. The piece that set a new path for the genre of symphony – the piece that set an example for the free criticism on conventions.


HUF 2 500, 3 200, 3 800, 4 700