MÁV Symphony Orchestra

2015. szeptember 25. 19.00-21.30

MÁV Symphony Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Római karnevál, op. 9 – nyitány

III. (h-moll) hegedűverseny, op. 60

III. (Esz-dúr) szimfónia, op. 55 („Eroica”)

-;-Sooji Kim (hegedű)

MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar

Vezényel: Csaba Péter
The way music reaches the audience is greatly influenced by the way a concert program is selected and arranged. It is often said how outdated is the traditional program structure of overture-concerto-symphony. Indeed, this may become boring after a while if used in a row, but for certain occasions, such as an opening concert of a concert season, this structure still proves truly suitable. It provides an excellent opportunity to both, the orchestra and its conductor to demonstrate their great versatility to the audience.
One of the most widely known overtures of Hector Berlioz portrays the dazzling crowd of a carnival in Rome. The music electrifies and makes us curious, since we shall know that Berlioz is the true pioneer of French Romantic music. Where does the road he paved lead to? The 3rd violin concerto of Saint-Saëns gives an apt and convincing answer to this question with its inexhaustible store room of captivating tunes utilizing all technical possibilities of violin playing. We may also realize the universal nature of music, which connects the entire world, since all these tunes rise high from the violin of a young Korean artist.
In the second half of the concert, all of us may be convinced that the orchestra and its conductor fluently speak the musical language of Beethoven and can properly interpret his message in the Eroica symphony about heroism, perseverance, the dignity of mourning, and the intoxicating joy of victory.


HUF 3 000, 3 500, 4 000