2015. szeptember 29. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

The Little Sweep A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Let’s Make an Opera!

Benjamin Britten
A kis kéményseprő, op. 45

-;-Rendező: Philipp György

Budapesti Fesztiválzenekar

Vezényel: Dubóczky Gergely
Over the past few years, an opera for children or younger audiences has become part of the BFO’s season curtain-raiser. Noye’s Fludde by Benjamin Britten and Hans Krása’s Brundibár were followed last season by Der Jasager (The Yes Sayer), a school opera by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht. In September 2015, the orchestra will present another work by Britten to its young audience in the Liszt Academy’s beautiful and recently refurbished small hall, the Solti Hall, which is perfect for chamber opera productions. The Little Sweep is the third part of the ‘Let’s Make an Opera!’ series, all written for children. Cheerful as the prevailing tone, the work tells the story of eight-year-old Sam with sympathy and pity. A brutal chimney sweep sends the boy into a fireplace to clean the chimney. Sam gets stuck in the chimney-stack, but children come to his rescue. They hide him and help him escape from his evil master. Dickens, too, used the tale of the little sweep more than once.


HUF 3 000