MÁV Symphony Orchestra

2015. október 27. 19.00-21.30

MÁV Symphony Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Hungarian Evening

Sakuntala - nyitány


Magyar szimfónia

Fölszállott a páva - változatok magyar népdalra

-;-Banda Ádám (hegedű)

MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar

Vezényel: Medveczky Ádám
We commemorate the excellent and yet little known Hungarian composer of late-Romanticism, Károly Goldmark, almost precisely a year after the centennial of his death. His life almost equalled an adventurous novel, and his personality was that of a protagonist in a romantic saga. His music was very popular. As his opera titled Queen of Sheba and the Shakuntala overture exemplify, he preferred themes taken from the world of oriental tales.
László Dubrovay was amongst the boldest avant-gardists at the beginning of his career, but returned to the path of traditional composition decades later. The extraordinary variations of Kodály, the Peacock Variations, is a work that clearly and transparently demonstrates to the world what Hungarian music is. The old folk song chosen as the basal theme of the composition is one of the best examples of the ancient Hungarian pentatonic tonality. The way this theme is developed into a full body of orchestral music is a proof of masterly composition technique. The character variations also attest infinitely rich imagination. This work let us envision the entire Hungarian history with its stormy events, suffering and mourning, but it also includes the uplifting and comforting beauty of the Hungarian landscape. Finally, the joy, the belief in a better future, which is present in so many of Bartók’s works, also is expressed in this magnificent composition.


HUF 3 000, 3 500, 4 000