Goldmark 100

2015. október 30. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Goldmark 100 A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

D-dúr hegedű-zongora szonáta, op. 25

F-dúr gordonka-zongora szonáta, op. 39


Brahms és Goldmark dalai

B-dúr trió (D. 898)

-;-Banda Ádám (hegedű), Rohmann Ditta (gordonka), Wiedemann Bernadett (mezzoszoprán), Hlavacsek Tihamér (zongora)
It is exactly 100 years since Hungarian-Austrian composer of The Queen of Sheba Károly Goldmark (1830–1915) died. An artist who today is sadly rarely heard of or performed was in his day a celebrated composer, primarily in the German-speaking territories. There is no doubt that Goldmark recognized the great secret that made Liszt, Brahms and Schumann, inspirers of his art, popular i.e. the exact balance of instinct and professional knowledge, the fine order between impulsive remark and carefully planned structure. His style is characterized both by the use of heightened melodies of Wagnerian Romanticism and the experimental, primarily then unusual dissonances and more daring chromatics. (Indeed, occasionally Hungarian folklore as well.) His chamber and vocal works are perfect examples of this exciting duality: in part they sit comfortably in the 19th century tradition (as revealed in works by Brahms and Schubert), and on the other hand they have an unmistakably unique sound. Furthermore, Goldmark was a violinist, thus he had a special affinity with the string instruments. This recital also guarantees a special affinity on the part of the performers. The stunningly talented violinist Ádám Banda is winner of major domestic and international competitions; cellist Ditta Rohmann is a student of Miklós Perényi (no more needs to be said); Liszt Prize laureate Bernadett Wiedemann, mezzo-soprano, is as exciting a presence as a podium singer as she is on the opera stage. Pianist Tihamér Hlavacsek is a true Goldmark cognoscente because he is associated with the themed first edition of the entire piano works of the post-Romantic master.


HUF 1 900, 2 500