MÁV Symphony Orchestra

2015. november 6. 19.00-21.30

MÁV Symphony Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

A teremtés

-;-Fodor Beatrix (szoprán); Balczó Péter (tenor); Palerdi András (basszus)

Debreceni Kodály Kórus

MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar

Vezényel: Csaba Péter
Miklós Erdélyi, an outstanding conductor of the recent past and whose name marks one of the concert series of the MÁV Symphony, once said: few such brave compositions exist in art like the Creation, in which the composer takes not a lesser task than telling the story of creation of the entire world in the language of music. This oratorio is the grand summation of the life work of Haydn, containing all the knowledge, wisdom, and humor that he accumulated during writing his earlier compositions. Haydn seemingly makes all the phenomena of the created world vividly visible: the day and the night, the Sun and the Moon, the land and the oceans, plants, animals, and last, the crown of creation: the human being. The true marvel is, however, the way he depicts the time before creation, the primordial chaos, showing us with poignant drama the exact moment when Light came into existence at the order of the Lord. This is a masterpiece that cannot be listened to without being deeply moved.


HUF 3 000, 3 500, 4 000