Vashegyi – Mozart

2015. november 16. 18.00-22.00

Vashegyi – Mozart A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Conversation and Concert

Részletek Mozart operáiból és zenekari műveiből

-;-Közreműködnek: az Ének Tanszak és Karmester Tanszak hallgatói, valamint a Zeneakadémia Szimfonikus Zenekara

Vezényel, és a műveket bemutatja: Vashegyi György
Liszt Academy professor György Vashegyi, one of the foremost figures in early music in Hungary, revived the tradition of Gesprächskonzert (conversation concert) that is so popular in German-speaking areas when he presented – together with students of the conducting and vocal departments and the Symphony Orchestra of the Liszt Academy – excerpts from three Händel oratorios in the previous season. The audience not only heard remarkable music and met gifted young musicians but they also gained an insight into the stories behind the creation of works and their structure through the musicologically perceptive and enjoyable commentaries of György Vashegyi. In this semester the same approach is used on the operas and symphonic works of Mozart i.e. the audience learns what tools the greatest music theatre genius of all time employed when setting a script to music, how he was able to reach deep into a person’s soul through the music, and which of those 18th century compositional tools wielded by Mozart still work effectively 250 years later.


Free tickets to the concert can be obtained at the ticket office of the Liszt Academy