Silence Fiction

2015. december 6. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Jazz it!

Silence Fiction A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Silence Fiction: Kanizsa Georgina (ének, loop, effektek); Vikukel Dániel (zongora, billentyű); Miskolczi Márk (bőgő); Urbán Marcell (dob)

Közreműködik: Binder Károly (zongora); Borbély Mihály (szaxofon)
The music of this young jazz quartet builds on the pianist’s compositions and the singer’s own lyrics. Through their music they outline images of a symbolic world, seeking alternatives to everyday social and emotional difficulties. The link between these four musicians extends beyond their studies at the Liszt Academy; composer-pianist Dániel Vikukel and singer-songwriter Gina Kanizsa found each other. Dániel’s strong, sovereign, individual sound immediately marked him out from the crowd, while Gina’s evocative performance style fitted perfectly with this. They launched out on a duo project, expanding to the quartet size because of an ever-increasing repertoire and invitations. Even as a student of the Etűd conservatory Gina began making music with Márk and Marcell who make up the rhythm section; their strong mutual bond provides a secure foundation for evolving harmonies and joint improvisations. They premiered at Jazz Showcase in the Müpa Palace of Arts in 2014. Since then they have been invited to play at festivals such as the long-running Veszprémfest and the Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival (CAFe), plus they are regulars at the Palace of Arts and Budapest Jazz Club. Inspired by science fiction, the ensemble envisage a future where high standard, substantial music can move closer to people; instead of strident parts it chooses self reflection and offers tranquil contemplation. Silence Fiction thinks and makes one think, meanwhile blending jazz with contemporary and mainstream genres in such a way that the listener feels involved in the music-making and not choked by it.


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