Kodály 133

2015. december 16. 19.30-21.00

Legendary Concerts III.

Kodály 133 A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

‘7 May 1918’

Duó hegedűre és csellóra, op. 7

Dalok (Magányosság, Levéltöredék, A tavasz, Az erdő, Búsan csörög a lomb, A farsang búcsúszavai)

Szólószonáta gordonkára, op. 8

II. vonósnégyes, op. 10

-;- Fülei Balázs (zongora); Bretz Gábor (basszus); Éder György, Fenyő László (cselló); Falvay Attila (hegedű)

Eredeti fellépők: Kerpely Jenő (cselló); Waldbauer Imre (hegedű); Bartók Béla (zongora); Kálmán Oszkár (ének); Waldbauer-Kerpely Kvartett

Kodály Vonósnégyes
Zoltán Kodály’s second composer evening, featuring the Waldbauer-Kerpely Quartet and Béla Bartók as well as Oszkár Kálmán, took place in May 1918. Critical reviews of the concert were inconsistent. It was surprising, for instance, that some of the critics of the day considered Kodály, who was then in his mid-30s, a young composer, a beginner still hesitantly searching for his own sound, someone in need of a fatherly reprimand. Reviews are full of ‘buts’: ‘a true talent, but not yet honed’, or ‘grand and powerful, but a talent on the wrong path.’ A few hear the folklorist in the pieces, ‘the natural beauties of folk art are indispensible elements of the development of all healthy artists, but if brought to the fore, they not only cause forced primitiveness but monotony as well.’ Committed critics pay respects to Kodály’s art form, and they consider the 2nd string quartet the greatest, which ‘leads to a magical world of ethereal moods.’ It is noticeable, however, that even they only mention in passing the Solo Sonata performed by Jenő Kerpely. Perhaps because the undoubtedly most important violoncellist of the age was not able to give 100% to preparations for this concert. Well, even a masterpiece has difficulties taking its first steps towards an independent life. On this, the third in the Liszt Academy Legendary Concerts series, the Kodály String Quartet, Balázs Fülei, Gábor Bretz and László Fenyő fill the shoes of legendary musicians for a concert taking place on the 133rd anniversary of the birth of Kodály.


HUF 2 900, 4 100, 5 200, 6 500