Budapest Festival Orchestra

2015. december 27. 15.30-18.00

Budapest Festival Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Christmas Surprise Concert

Karácsonyi titokkoncert

-;-Budapesti Fesztiválzenekar

Vezényel: Fischer Iván
“People always want to eat food with which they are familiar. The great majority is afraid of anything new. We must find a way to overcome that fear.” (Iván Fischer)
Twelve years ago, Iván Fischer and the Budapest Festival Orchestra came up with a new form of concert – the details of their Surprise Concerts are a closely guarded secret, where the audience only learns what they will see and hear during the concert. The Surprise Concerts were a huge success from the off; the key factor being the absolute trust which a great many people had in Iván Fischer, the director and conductor of the events. They were ready to join this adventure even without knowing what would be performed and by whom.
Naturally, the programme of the 2015 Surprise concert is a secret. It will come as no surprise, however, to learn that the concert is going to be held in the hall with which the Festival Orchestra’s history is most tightly interwoven, the one from where the orchestra began its journey on Christmas Day in 1983 – The Grand Hall of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music.


HUF 2 500, 4 600, 5 900, 8 400, 13 600