2016. január 22. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Opera Exam Festival

Opera Makers A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Guildhall School of Music & Drama

Laurence Osborn
Narkissus and The Reflektions

Ory grófja (részlet)

Evan Kassof

Così fan tutte (részlet)

Oliver Leith

Figaro házassága (részlet)

-;-Énekesek: Thomas Atkins, Katarzyna Balejko, Christopher Cull, David Ireland, Elizabeth Karani, Bethan Langford, Meili Li, Jenavieve Moore, Josep-Ramon Olivé, Nicola Said, Milan Siljanov, Elgan Thomas, Jennie Witton

Rendező: Martin Lloyd-Evans

Zenei vezető: Dominic Wheeler

Díszlet: Louis Carver

Fény: Cassie Mitchell

Mozgás: Victoria Newlyn
Opera students from the London Guildhall School perform new works by three present-day composers and librettists. All are taking the Guildhall’s new Opera Making & Writing masters course. The production, created in cooperation with the Royal Opera House and which premiered in summer 2015, evokes the golden age of operatic performance, inasmuch as the authors specifically shaped the roles for the singers, just as Mozart and Rossini did in their time. And it is precisely excerpts of works by Mozart and Rossini that provide the transition between the contemporary pieces.


HUF 1 200