2016. január 24. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Opera Exam Festival

Bruno Maderna: Satyricon A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Universität der Künste Berlin


-;-Hyelim Jo, Mengqi Zhang (szoprán); Amelie Baier (mezzoszoprán); Semjon Bulinski (tenor); Matwej Korshun (bariton)

Rendező: Ingo Kerkhof

Rendezőasszisztents: Sibylle Gogg

Díszlet, jelmez: Maria Frastanli, Sanghwa Park

Az Universität der Künste Berlin hallgatóiból alakult kamarazenekar

Vezényel: Errico Fresis
Berlin University of the Arts, which offers courses in fine arts, architecture and music, is one of this year’s guest institutions at the third Opera Exam Festival organized by the Liszt Academy. The world premiere of their production is staged in the Sir Georg Solti Chamber Hall; in other words, the Budapest audience can see their production even before Berliners. Bruno Maderna (1920–1973), one of the leading post-Second World War avant-garde figures, is not well known in Hungary. His last work, Satyricon, is based on the piece by Roman author Titus Petronius, premiered in 1973. The unfinished novel inspired Maderna and two major film directors, Federico Fellini (Satyricon, 1969), and Marco Ferreri (The Grande Bouffe, 1974) at the same time—not surprising considering the work’s theme, a picture of society dehumanized by the pursuit of money and fame, was just as topical 2000 years ago as it was four decades ago, and indeed as it is today.


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