Music and Maths

2016. január 31. 11.00-13.00

Solti terem

Liszt Kidz Academy

Music and Maths A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

For 10-15-year-olds

Cunctipotens genitor Deus

Nuper rosarum flores

Miserere nostri

J. S. Bach
Jesu meine Freude – részlet

Kánonok, op. 113

Földrajzi fúga

-;-Közreműködik: Discantus énekegyüttes

Vezényel és mesél: Mészáros Péter
Amongst schoolchildren there are those destined for maths, there are those good at Hungarian, there are born geographers or historians. Of course, the various subcultures are not totally isolated from each another, and the pathway is especially free between them if we are talking about music. The fact is that music is a common denominator: it reveals as much about maths as it does about literature, geography or sport. The youth series of the Liszt Academy, that is, the four concerts in the chamber hall arranged in the framework of the Liszt Kidz Academy, venture into the latter four subjects, and for the first in the series it is the turn of mathematics, the most important co-science of music. How does music work mathematically? How is it possible to depict the architectural solutions of the great Dome of Florence in music? What mathematical riddles lie hidden in certain pieces of music and how can their codes be broken? This concert for 10-15-year-olds seeks answers to these and similar questions. It features the outstandingly talented (both as teacher and as conductor) Péter Mészáros acting as choirmaster and as narrator, leading his own chorus, Discantus vocal ensemble, winners of numerous international prizes.


HUF 1 200