Buda Folk Band

2016. február 12. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Acoustic, Authentic

Buda Folk Band A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Maruzsenszki Andor, Takács Ádám (hegedű, ének); Csoóri Sándor ’Sündi’ (kontra, bolgár tambura, ének); Éri Márton (brácsa, kontra, ének); Salamon Soma (harmonika, furulya, kaval, ének); Szabó Csobán Gergő (bőgő, gitár, cselló, kórus)

Közreműködik : Márczi Anna 'Tücsi' (ének, kórus)
Members of the Buda Folk Band have been dealing with the musical traditions of the Hungarian-speaking region of Europe since their childhood. This comes as no surprise considering that among their parents we can find several founding members of the Muzsikás band. One could say that we are witnesses to the birth of the revival of a musical dynasty. They consider the existence of authentic folk music in an urban setting to be totally natural. So much so, in fact, that they don’t try to isolate themselves from the impacts of other music genres. These influences, along with the particular scoring of folk instruments found in the Carpathian Basin, give the orchestra a very special sound. In January 2014, their second album, Magyar Világi Népzene was in second place on the World Music Charts Europe. According to their own definition, they play ‘worldly/secular’ music (as suggested in the title of their second album translated as Hungarian Worldly/Secular Folk Music). As to exactly what this means, all will become clear during the concert. In all likelihood, they are not referring to an ecclesiastical/secular pairing dating from the Middle Ages, the impacts of which are still rippling through the classical-pop duality. Pondering what the title of their third album could be, there is only one possibility: Hungarian folk world music.


HUF 1 900, 2 500