Wiener Sängerknaben

2016. február 21. 17.00-19.00

Wiener Sängerknaben A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Bella Italia

Vittoria, Vivaldi, Caldara, Cherubini, Mozart, Rossini, Mascagni, Verdi, Mancini, Morricone, J. Strauss művei

-;-Wiener Sängerknaben

Vezényel: Manolo Cagnin
Wiener Sängerknaben (Vienna Boys’ Choir), comprising 10-14-year-old boys dressed in characteristic sailor suits, are a byword in European music circles. This is one of the longest established choirs in the world, formed in 1498 by Emperor Maximilian I in order to provide musical accompaniment to liturgies in the imperial chapel. Over the centuries they have been associated with numerous greats of music like Gluck, Salieri, Mozart, Schubert and Bruckner, but the approximately 100-person ensemble, known for its strict rules and rehearsals, has also provided the Vienna Staatsoper the three boys in The Magic Flute for many decades. Due to their strong traditions, the choir is as much a part of the culture of the former imperial capital today as Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert, the Vienna New Year’s Day concerts and Philharmonic. As a result of the enormous interest aroused by the Wiener Sängerknaben, they travel the world split into four groups, spending weeks touring a particular continent; in total they have given 300 concerts to around half a million people. Their visit to the Grand Hall of the Liszt Academy is a rare and special moment: we have the chance to listen to one of the best – if not the best – boys’ choirs and to share in that great experience represented by their incomparable sound and musicality.


HUF 1 400, 2 100, 3 500, 4 900