Great Generation – in a headwind (1967-1980)

2016. március 9. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Liszt Academy of Yesterday IV.

Great Generation – in a headwind (1967-1980) A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Series by András Batta and Kovács Sándor

The two Liszt Academy music history professors Sándor Kovács and András Batta bring to life chapters from the past of the Liszt Academy on the occasion of the 140th academic year of the institution. In the final episode, the two narrators take the audience back to their own youth, to a time when Sándor Kovács and András Batta were students of the academy. We gain a glimpse into a period when legendary violinist Dénes Kovács introduced numerous reforms as rector of the Liszt Academy (these impacted on the gifted young artists just as much as orchestral training), and when the Liszt Academy had on its student roll such figures as Zoltán Kocsis, Dezső Ránki, András Schiff, Miklós Perényi and Eszter Perényi. The discourse of the two artists, richly illustrated with musical examples and archive material, is certain to include personal anecdotes and stories; and knowing them, there’ll be no shortage of humour either.


HUF 1 900