Music and Literature

2016. március 20. 11.00-13.00

Solti terem

Liszt Kidz Academy

Music and Literature A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

For 10-15-year-olds

Holdfény (L. 75/3)

Holdfény (Menüett), op. 46/2

Holdfény (L. 86/3)

A vándor éji dala I. (D. 224)

A vándor éji dala I.

A vándor éji dala I.

123. Petrarca-szonett

-;-Darázs Renáta (szoprán); Kiss Péter (zongora)

Mesél: Fazekas Gergely
Amongst schoolchildren there are those destined for maths, some are good at Hungarian while others are born geographers or historians. Of course, the various subcultures are not totally isolated from one another, and the pathway is especially free between them if we are talking about music. Music is a common denominator: it reveals as much about maths as it does about literature, geography or sport. The youth series of the Liszt Academy, that is, the four concerts in the chamber hall arranged in the framework of the Liszt Kidz Academy, venture into the latter four subjects, and on this, the final presentation, it is the moment to examine the linkage between music and literature. What happens to a poem when it is set to music? Does one need a good verse for a good tune, or does a good tune ruin a good verse? How is it possible to think in a literary way in music? This concert for 10-15-year-olds seeks answers to these and similar questions with the help of songs and piano pieces dating from the era of poets of music, the 19th century. Our two guides are Renáta Darázs and Péter Kiss, long-established chamber partners known for their intellectual prowess.


HUF 1 200