Hungarian FolkEmbassy

2016. március 22. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Acoustic, Authentic

Hungarian FolkEmbassy A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Hungarian-Polish Day

-;-Sebestyén Márta (ének)

Janusz Prusinowski (hegedű)

Hungarian FolkEmbassy - Magyar Népzenei Nagykövetség: Soós András, Rosonczy-Kovács Mihály (hegedű); Hegedűs Luca (cimbalom); Orsós Tamás (brácsák); Hanszul Zoltán (bőgő)

Közreműködnek: Hetényi Milán (ének); Paput Júlia és Fekete Bence (tánc)
Mihály Rosonczy-Kovács and András Soós, two first violinists who have both been awarded the Junior Prima prize and are leaders of Hungarian FolkEmbassy, consider it their special mission (hence the name) to search for those musical connections which, through music, may serve to strengthen the diplomatic-cultural relations of Hungary. Their latest recording, Báthory-Bem-Balatonboglár – Folk Music on Polish-Hungarian friendship, will be released shortly. The album features among others the ‘Polish Ferenc Sebő’, Janusz Prusinowski, the driving force behind the Polish revival dance house movement. In the eight years since their foundation, the Janusz Prusinowski Ensemble have given concerts throughout Europe, North America and Asia in which they spoke about the ‘heart of Poland’, the rural roots of Chopin’s mazurkas and the several centuries of ‘Polish style’ in the universal language of music. This is the first time that the ensemble are taking to the stage in Hungary, thanks to assistance from the Polish Institute. In their first independent album, the Hungarian FolkEmbassy band showcase important moments and figures from the 1000-year-old friendship between Poland and Hungary. The triumphal entry into Cracow of István (Stephen) Báthory, the newly elected Polish king, is evoked with melodies from Nagysajó and (considering his origin) Szilágyság; it traces the Transylvanian campaign of general Joseph Bem with the series of men’s dances of the regions concerned, giving a sense of what the Poles, separated from their homeland, felt in Balatonboglár where they experienced Hungarian friendship. The concert programme also features polkas, folk songs of Somogy and Mazovia, Milán Hetényi evokes the brave warriors of Cracow, and one of the highlights of the evening is an appearance by Márta Sebestyén, principal patron of FolkEmbassy’s free university.


HUF 1 900, 2 500