Vilmos Szabadi, Gustav Rivinius, Márta Gulyás

2016. március 29. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Chamber Music, So Close

Vilmos Szabadi, Gustav Rivinius, Márta Gulyás A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

cisz-moll hegedű-zongora szonáta, op. 21

Duó, op. 9


f-moll trió, op. 65

-;-Szabadi Vilmos (hegedű)

Gustav Rivinius (c selló)

Gulyás Márta (zongora)
This concert forms part of the Liszt Academy Concert Centre’s series showcasing Hungarian artists and highly acclaimed foreign guest soloists performing popular chamber works. Hungarian audiences are familiar with Gustav Rivinius, to this day the only German musician to have won the globally prestigious Moscow International Tchaikovsky Competition. In the more than quarter of a century since, he has worked together with conductors such as Lorin Maazel, Marek Janowski, Valery Gergiev, David Zinman and Alan Gilbert, music director of the New York Philharmonic. Solo and chamber music feature equally prominently in his life. At the Marlboro Festival founded by Pablo Casals, he appeared with the legendary Rudolf Serkin. He has also partnered the Guarneri Quartet and members of the Beaux Arts Trio. Rivinius performs the remarkable Kodály Duo with Vilmos Szabadi, a fixture of the Hungarian music scene for decades. One of chamber music’s best known and most dedicated performers, Márta Gulyás, joins them in the Dohnányi Sonata, written barely two years after the Kodály work, and the Dvořák Trio in f minor that was somewhat overshadowed by the Dumky Trio yet is no less emotionally powerful.


HUF 3 400, 4 100