Kálmán Oláh’s Jazz Concert

2016. április 10. 19.30-22.00

Budapest Spring Festival

Kálmán Oláh’s Jazz Concert A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

In the Footsteps of Liszt • 3.3

Improvizációk egy Liszt témára

Improvizációk Liszt Consolation c. darabjára

Oláh Kálmán
Gondolatok Liszt Faust-szimfóniájának egy témájáról

-;-Lukács Miklós (cimbalom); Klenyán Csaba (klarinét)

Horizont Fafúvós Quintet: Horváth Béla (oboa); Klenyán Csaba (klarinét); Jankó Attila (fagott); Bizják Gábor (kürt); Bán Máté (fuvola)
A superb jazz pianist, Kálmán Oláh has repeatedly proved that there is passage between the masterpieces of classical music and jazz. It is always a discovery to hear Oláh perform Bach or Bartók, as he opens layers and colours we have not noticed before. Liszt’s special world of harmonies and his compositional style, which stems from improvisation, will be certain to occasion an entire series of discoveries. As a pianist and composer, Kálmán Oláh believes in a variety and a multiplicity of voices that span genres, as well as in symphonic timbres, in voices that are coordinate in the manner of chamber music. He often fuses the musical idiom found in Bartók’s arrangements of folk songs with the improvisational traditions of jazz. In addition to modern jazz, he has had a long-standing interest in marrying classical music and jazz, which he explores both in his improvisations and compositions.


HUF 1 500, 1 900, 2 200