The Brandenburg Project

2016. április 13. 19.30-22.00

Budapest Spring Festival

The Brandenburg Project A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

J. S. Bach
II. (F-dúr) brandenburgi verseny (BWV 1047)

J. S. Bach - Steven Mackey
II. (F-dúr) brandenburgi verseny (BWV 1047) - átdolgozás


J.S. Bach
V. (D-dúr) Brandenburgi verseny (BWV 1050)

J. S. Bach - Uri Caine
V. (D-dúr) Brandenburgi verseny (BWV 1050)

-;-Uri Caine (zongora)

Håkan Hardenberger (trombita)

Bill Frisell (gitár)

Svéd Kamarazenekar

Vezényel: Thomas Dausgaard
In this truly novel project, the Swedish Chamber Orchestra play Bach’s Brandenburg concertos together with the musical commentaries and revisions that six contemporary composers – Brett Dean, Uri Caine, Anders Hillborg, Steven Mackey, Olga Neuwirth, and Mark Anthony Turnage – wrote for the occasion, suggesting that the originals, almost three hundred years old, continue to act as powerful influences on today’s musical thinking. Bach’s series of concertos is a truly unique cycle in that it showcases instrumentations as varied as Baroque orchestral music would allow, and distinctly experimental in nature. The instruments used in the individual pieces are in themselves an exciting challenge for today’s composers. Steven Mackey and Uri Caine followed Bach’s model as they shaped their own new pieces, and the latter even borrowed a few characteristic motifs from Bach’s composition.


HUF 1 500, 3 100, 3 900, 4 900