Kodály Quartet and its Guests

2016. április 21. 19.30-22.00

Budapest Spring Festival

Kodály Quartet and its Guests A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

R. Strauss
Till Eulenspiegel – egy kicsit máshogy!

e-moll vonósnégyes

F-dúr oktett (D. 803)

-;-Kodály Vonósnégyes: Falvai Attila, Bangó Ferenc (hegedű); Fejérvári János (brácsa); Éder György (cselló)
The internationally renowned Kodály String Quartet gives concerts all over the world. They have recorded all of Haydn’s, Beethoven’s and Schubert’s string quartets, earning praise from the international musical press. In 2007 their recording of Mendelssohn’s and Bruch’s octets was nominated for the BBC’s prize for Chamber Music Recording of the Year. The string quartet will welcome top-ranking guests at its 21 April concert: clarinet player Wenzel Fuchs and hornist Andrej Žust, who are lead wind players of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, bassoonist Bence Bogányi, who also performs and teaches in Germany, and Zsolt Fejérvári, double bassist of the Budapest Festival Orchestra.


HUF 1 500, 1 900, 2 200