Choir of the Belarusian State Academy of Music

2016. május 13. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Choir of the Belarusian State Academy of Music A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Fehérorosz és nyugati szerzők művei, valamint népdalfeldolgozások

-;-A Fehérorosz Zeneakadémia Kórusa

Vezényel: Inyessza Bodjako
It could be a group of friends or inter-state relations—whatever the case, choral singing brings people together with an energising force and allows participants and audiences to share in an exchange of values. The Choir of the Belarusian State Academy of Music was honoured in 2010 for its choral activities for ‘contributing to the development of peace and friendship through choral music and the establishment of friendly relations within the world choral brotherhood’ at the Chorus Inside Festival. The academy’s choral conducting department established the choir more than 50 years ago. Viktor Rovdo directed the ensemble for 40 years. Under his watch it became a professional choir and participated in international competitions while steadily gaining a redoubtable reputation. Since 2007 their choirmaster has been Inessa Bodyako, a former student of Rovdo. She has taken them to such prestigious concert halls as the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow, the Cracow Academy and the Grand Hall of the Latvian Music Academy. At present the Minsk chorus are actively involved with 20-21st century music; their concert in the Liszt Academy features contemporary works by Belarussians and other composers.


Free tickets to the concert can be obtained at the ticket office of the Liszt Academy.