2016. június 22. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Hashtag Ensemble A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Festive Concert of the Polish Institute on the occasion of the takeover of the V4 presidency

Négy darab Bartók Concerto című műve alapán

Variációk egy témára (Letí, letí roj) Levoslav Bella után

Három darab Karłowicz korai dalai után

Négy darab Dvořák 'In Folk Style' műve után

-;-Hashtag Ensemble

Marta Grzywacz (ének); Ania Karpowicz (fuvola/piccolo); Paweł Janas (digitális harmonika); Krzysztof Kozłowski (zongora); Wojciech Błażejczyk (elektromos gitár)
Hashtag Ensemble was established by Ania Karpowicz in 2013. The group consists of several smaller chamber ensembles specialized in performing new music and successfully promoting the achievements of Polish composers. The initiative can be described as an art cooperative connecting young performers and composers engaged with the group (Dariusz Przybylski, Ignacy Zalewski and Wojciech Błażejczyk). The achievements of Hashtag Ensemble artists combined amount to 72 premieres of new works, 103 prizes in various musical competitions and 78 performances at Polish and International Music Festivals. Hashtag Ensemble records for Polish Radio and Warsaw theater scenes. Music recorded by Hashtag Ensemble for the Polish Radio "Paradise" by Dante was was awarded with a prize at the Two Theatres Polish Radio and Television Festival in Sopot (2015). Hashtag Ensemble released the first CD "Visegrad Songs" published by Requiem Records Opus Series, thank to support of Hungarian and Slovak Intitutes of Culture.


HUF 1 200