Competition Winners’ Chamber Recital: Tomasz Daroch, Éva Osztrosits, László Váradi

2016. szeptember 25. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Talent Oblige

Competition Winners’ Chamber Recital: Tomasz Daroch, Éva Osztrosits, László Váradi A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Cselló szólószonáta

g-moll trió, op. 8

g-moll cselló-zongoraszonáta, op. 65

-;-Osztrosits Éva (hegedű); Tomasz Daroch (cselló); Váradi László (zongora)
Tomasz Daroch (born in 1989) performs a work by György Ligeti (1923– 2006) dating from the post-war period (albeit discovered well over 30 years after this). Daroch graduated from the conservatory in Mannheim and went on to perfect his skills under masters such as David Geringas, Miklós Perényi and Heinrich Schiff. He first took to the stage with an orchestra at the age of 14, and two major world competitions sparked his adult career: in 2011 he won the Lutosławski International Violoncello Competition, while he shared second place at the Pablo Casals Cello Competition in Budapest in 2014. Junior Prima Prize-winning pianist László Váradi, one of the best-known personalities of the generation of young artists in Hungary, partners the Polish musician. Together they play the cello sonata by Chopin, composed in the weeks prior to the 1848 French Revolution; it was to be the last work of the composer published in his lifetime. Éva Osztrosits joins these two artists for the only violin work written by Chopin, who was then only 18 years old. She is a student of Katalin Kokas at the Liszt Academy and she, too, has won placings at numerous major competitions.


HUF 1 900