New Light Quartet

2016. szeptember 29. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Jazz It!

New Light Quartet A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-New Light Quartet: Dave Liebman (szaxofon); Adam Niewood (szaxofon); Gene Perla (bőgő); Adam Nussbaum (dob)
In September 1972 John Coltrane’s former drummer Elvin Jones, who was even then considered a living legend, played at the Lighthouse Club in California with his band. The concert featured on two recordings released by Blue Note. Even at the time the material was looked on by many as being of historical significance in jazz terms, and served as inspiration for generations of jazz musicians. Saxophonist Dave Liebman, one of the defining figures in the post-Coltrane era, and bassist Gene Perla also played in that formation. Decades later these two artists revived the ensemble, now called New Light, along with a couple of young musicians: drummer Adam Nussbaum carries the baton of Elvin Jones, so to speak, while saxophonist Adam Niewood is fully cognisant not only of the past and present of jazz history but maybe its future as well. The double saxophone, bass and drum line-up embodies the Live at the Lighthouse album; at this concert it is not only the tone but also several of the melodies that will take the audience back to the golden era of the 1970s.


HUF 1 900, 2 500