2016. október 12. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Konzi concerts

Konzi concerts/1 A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Esz-dúr oktettpartita – 1. tétel

F -dúr oboanégyes, K. 370

17. (C-dúr) szonáta, K. 296

Esz-dúr zongoraötös, K. 452 – 1. tétel

Lou Harrison
The Song of Queztecoatl

Adagio, op. 11

25. (g-moll) szimfónia, K. 183

-;-Közreműködnek: a Bartók Béla Konzervatórium növendékei
The Béla Bartók Conservatory of Music – or as it is known colloquially, the Bartók Konzi – is Hungary’s longest-established secondary school of music. Its predecessor, the National Conservatory, was founded in 1840 as the Pest-Buda Hangász Society School of Singing. No less an artist than Ferenc Liszt himself played a leading role in raising the funds needed to establish the school; he also gave two hugely successful concerts, the proceeds of which went to the society. Until the foundation of the Liszt Academy in 1875, the National Conservatory was the leading institute of Hungarian music teaching and a centre of key importance in the music life of the day. Renamed the State Conservatory from 1948, it took on the name of Béla Bartók in 1966 and has functioned as the teacher training school of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music since 1973. Currently nearly 400 students study in the 24 departments of the Bartók Konzi – the very best of these are on stage for the first in the Konzi Concerts series.


HUF 1 200