2016. október 23. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Opera a Doctorandis Electa/3 A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Beethoven, Schumann, Debussy, Szkrjabin, Bartók, Grandjany és Kurtág György művei

-;-Közreműködnek a Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem Doktori Iskolájának billentyűs hallgatói.
Three years ago students of the keyboard programme of the Liszt Academy’s Doctoral School (headed by Péter Nagy) dealt with Schubert’s Winterreise (Winter Journey) song cycle for an entire year, two years ago they analysed Bach’s monumental Wohltemperiertes Klavier during the academic year, and last year they delved deep into Haydn and Mozart sonatas as well as keyboard works. On all three occasions, they subsequently presented the findings of their research in a concert series. This year is no different, at least as far as the concert series goes, only this time (as suggested by the title of this series) it was not their teachers who decided on the topic but everyone had the chance to choose for themselves the works that they would approach from different angles in the course of doctoral seminars. In other words, there is no thematic link between the compositions in the concerts, although this will be more than compensated for by the personal devotion that binds the performers and the works to each other.


Free tickets to the concert can be obtained at the ticket office of the Liszt Academy