Sárik Péter Trio x Beethoven

2016. november 4. 19.30-22.00

Sárik Péter Trio x Beethoven A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Jazz arrangements of Beethoven works - Album Release Concert

Beethoven műveinek jazz-feldolgozásai

-;-Sárik Péter (zongora); Fonay Tibor (basszusgitár, bőgő); Gálfi Attila (dob)
The Sárik Péter Trio not only create their own compositions but have for many years made a speciality out of playing genre-independent jazz arrangements. This Beethoven programme is a continuation of the popular Jazz on Request series, evoking the time when improvisation was an integral part of classical music. Péter Sárik had this to say about the concert featuring excerpts from Beethoven symphonies and piano sonatas: “It is an honour and a huge challenge to develop the works of a seminal composer such as Beethoven. Just as in every rethink, so too here I considered it vital to preserve the original message and mood of the compositions. Furthermore, I tried to imagine the Master alive today: how would he have reorchestrated his own works? I reckon that he would have been daring, characterful and innovative in spirit today, too. We also follow this line in arrangements. We openly utilize fashionable rhythms, the new stylistic nuances of modern jazz and pOp. Truly great works withstand not only the test of time but, embedded in a contemporary environment, they are reborn and give one the feeling that they have just been written.”


HUF 1 400, 2 100, 3 500, 4 900