Bálint Kruppa & Zoltán Fejérvári chamber music recital

2016. november 23. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Talent Oblige

Bálint Kruppa & Zoltán Fejérvári chamber music recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Elégia szólóhegedűre

J.S. Bach
2. (d-moll) partita, BWV 1004


Kurtág György
Tre pezzi hegedűre és zongorára, op. 14e

9. (A-dúr) hegedű-zongora szonáta, op. 47 („Kreutzer”)

-;-Kruppa Bálint (hegedű)

Közreműködik: Fejérvári Zoltán (zongora)
It is always a great pleasure to see the career of a promising young music talent burgeoning in front of our eyes. Over the past few years violinist Bálint Kruppa has won a whole raft of music prizes. He won the silver medal at the 5th Telemann International Violin Competition in Posnan, and first prize and the grand prix at the Balassagyarmat International Contemporary Music Competition; he was winner in his age group at the International Youth Violin Competition in Zagreb, and in 2013 he swept up three prizes (one with his own string quartet) at the Weiner Leó National Chamber Music Competition. To add to this, last year he was awarded the Junior Prima Prize. And if it is ‘Talent oblige!’, then Bálint Kruppa sets the bar high at his own solo recital. Stravinsky’s – for him unusually – sombre Elegy is followed by Bach’s solo partita, the marvellous closing movement of which was characterized by Yehudi Menuhin as being quite simply the most perfect piece ever written for the instrument. After the break Krupa demonstrates his sensitivity to contemporary music with a Kurtág duo (with piano accompaniment by Zoltán Fejérvári), before closing the programme with Beethoven’s marathon, highly emotional Kreutzer Sonata, a piece demanding extraordinary technical skills.


HUF 1 900