Transparent Sound New Music Festival - Opening concert

2017. január 7. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Transparent Sound New Music Festival - Opening concert A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Laurent Durupt

Horváth Balázs
Broken Con(sor)tinuity

Maurilio Cacciatore
Radio Jail

Branka Popović

Nicolas Tzortzis

Dimitris Andrikopoulos

-;-ARTéfacts Ensemble
Launched in 2014, Transparent Sound has since grown into one of the most important festivals of contemporary music. It offers audiences the opportunity to hear totally new music trends rarely performed in Hungary, thanks to the efforts of predominantly young performers and composers. As the name of the festival suggests, visuality, so-called instrumental theatre, are key elements at concerts, besides which the audience has the chance of glimpsing ‘behind’ the music and becoming part of the music-making. For the opening concert of the festival, ARTéfacts Ensemble based in Athens present the 2014 programme THIVA 102 km. In the initial phase of this project, inmates of the women’s prison at Thebes (Thiva) were recorded and sent to six European composers selected by the ensemble; the six works that are performed were written on the basis of these sound recordings. The ensemble presented these finalized compositions actually in the prison at Thebes and released a disc. Prior to the concert, there is a workshop in which the musicians initiate the audience interactively into the riddles of the pieces to be performed.


HUF 1 200