‘5lett’ (5Idea) – Special anniversary edition

2017. január 25. 19.30-22.00

‘5lett’ (5Idea) – Special anniversary edition A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Bartók Konzi – New Music

Pomp and Circumstance, op. 39/1

Lendvay Kamilló
Három farsangi maszk –fúvósegyüttesre, ütősökre és zongorára

Tóth Péter

1. (Esz-dúr) szvit, op. 28/1

Fanfare for the Common Man

Central Park in the Dark

Ebony Concerto

Appalachian Spring – zenekari szvit

-;-Kéringer Dávid (klarinét)

a Bartók Konzi koncertfúvószenekara

Vezényel: Kiss Zoltán

a Bartók Konzi szimfonikus zenekara

Vezényel: Dubóczky Gergely
The tradition of the Bartók Konzi – New Music project day started five years ago, hence the concert title. The wind orchestra formed in 2008 and with several competition wins to their name perform works by two British and two Hungarian composers: the first from the popular orchestral march series by Elgar, born 160 years ago, while the audience can also enjoy the varied tonality of the superb suite by the unfairly ignored composer of The Planets orchestral cycle, which has become a cornerstone of the wind orchestra repertoire. After the compositions of these two British composers, both of whom died in 1934, is the overture of Kamilló Lendvay and a piece by Frigyaes Hidas. After the intermission the symphony orchestra (founded: 1980s) play music written in the United States by major composers: Aaron Copland and Charles Ives. Stravinsky’s ragtime-like, jazz rhythmed Ebony Concerto is joined by the particularly gifted virtuoso clarinettist Dávid Kéringer.


Free tickets to the concert can be obtained at the ticket office of the Liszt Academy.