The Mighty Little Heap – grandiose works, grandiose musicians

2017. január 30. 19.30-22.00

The Mighty Little Heap – grandiose works, grandiose musicians A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Parsifal – Nagypénteki varázs


5. szimfónia

-;-Balog József (zongora)

Molnár Ágnes (szoprán)

Valentin Dubowskoy (tenor)

Vladimir Miller (basszus)

Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar

Nemzeti Énekkar

Vezényel: Kesselyák Gergely
The music of Parsifal is distinguished by its uniquely uplifting and joyful tone. In his last work, Wagner gives a summary of the characteristics of his artistic inventions. The ”Good Friday Spell” – with its uniquely magnificent and impressive effects – can be heard in the second part of the third act. Parsifal returns to the castle of Monsalvat and in the temple of the Holy Grail heals the severe wounds of Amfortas by touching them with the sacred spear – as a sign of forgiveness of his sins. Ferenc Liszt composed his Danse Macabre – The Dance of Death – in 1850. The piece combines the features of piano concerto and symphonic poem. It was inspired by the famous fresco depicting a danse macabre in a cemetery of Pisa; the music is based on a Gregorian chant ”Dies irae”. The Russian composer Alexey Rybnikhov, one of the most popular musicians in his country, was born in 1945. First time in Russia, he composed rock operas and musicals along with more than a hundred sound tracks; his CDs sold more than 10 million copies. His Symphony No. 5 – ”Resurrection of the Dead” – was first performed in 2005.


HUF 2 400, 3 900, 4 900, 5 900