Ádám Banda, Miklós Perényi, Ilona Prunyi

2017. február 3. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Chamber Music, So Close

Ádám Banda, Miklós Perényi, Ilona Prunyi A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Dohnányi 140

Variációk magyar népdalokra, op.29

B-dúr cselló-zongora szonáta, op.8.


Coppélia Valcer

Pastorale, op. 17/4

Cascades, op. 41/4

cisz-moll hegedű-zongoraszonáta, op. 21

Ruralia Hungarica, op. 32/c (részletek)

-;-Banda Ádám (hegedű); Perényi Miklós (cselló); Prunyi Ilona (zongora)
There was a time when it appeared that the music of Ernő Dohnányi would be forever banished from the living music memory and the concert hall, to end its days merely as a footnote in dusty tomes. Happily, this did not come to pass, thanks in part to the efforts of Ilona Prunyi who regularly featured Dohnányi piano and chamber works on the programme at a time when this was somewhat frowned upon. “Some time around 1992,” Ilona Prunyi relates, “Annie Fischer, who by her own reckoning had not played sufficient Dohnányi, said that Dohnányi himself would have been very pleased and would certainly have taken me on as a student because his music so suits me. In 2010, on the 50th anniversary of the death of Dohnányi, there were solo concerts and an album of Dohnányi works. Nowadays his chamber pieces are also regularly performed.” Over the years she has succeeded in involving many outstanding colleagues in this adventure of rediscovery, including Miklós Perényi and Ádám Banda. “When I first heard Ádám I knew immediately that he was made for Dohnányi.”


HUF 2 500, 3 200